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SourceFilter is a programmer's utility that strips comments or other delimited text from sets of web pages on Microsoft Window's workstations or other windows text files. Fig 1 is a screenshot, showing the default parameters for invoking SourceFilter.


Fig 1 - SourceFilter Screen Shot

Although designed primarily to strip Javascript comments from web pages and C++ program source files, it can be readily applied to web pages, other languages and more general purposes.

SourceFilter features:

1. creates a new version of the source file, and  
2. keeps a backup of the input file by renaming it - appending the extension .bak to its original file name (so you can retrieve it if you've made a mistake).  
3. can optionally amend the file creation and modification dates of the output file to match the input file date or other requirements.  
4. reduces successive blank lines in the output to a single or small set of blank lines.  
5. provides context sensitive help  
6. it's very low cost

SourceFilter includes comprehensive context sensitive help. To learn more, view further extracts from the SourceFilter help file Here .

Purchase SourceFilter

SourceFilter is priced at $US15 per user and can be purchased by credit card or bank transfers using PayPal's secure transaction payment service. A full1 refund is available within 30 days if you are not completely satisfied.

If you wish, click here download and read the SourceFilter windows help file (142 Kb) for further information about SourceFilter.

To purchase and download, click the buy now link below. After confirmation of your payment, an email will be sent with download instructions. Because delivery is electronic, there are no shipping and handling charges.

If you are not already a PayPal member, the Buy Now link will allow you to sign up - membership is free and is very useful for paying for on-line auctions and other electronic shopping.

Installation Requirements

SourceFilter is a Visual C++ MFC application which runs on Windows 32 bit platforms (Win95, 98, NT, 2000 and XP).

The download is approximately 725 Kb, and no more than 3 Mbytes of free space is needed on your system for installation. The installation files can be deleted, leaving a disk requirement for just 208 Kbytes, of which only 36 Kbytes is the program executable.

small coat of arms

For other questions, or help with SourceFilter, email

First Published 25-Sep-2002. Last Revised
Last Revision: vdeck modification